Professional Extreme Cleaning Services including junk removal, hoarding cleaning, biological decontamination, disinfection and odor removal.
Serving Markham and surrounding areas for 15 years
Markham Extreme Cleaners for all your needs
Are you a landlord or property owner facing code violations due to hoarding? Are you a homeowner or caregiver that has health and safety concerns and in need of extreme cleaning services? Trax is here to help you navigate these difficult circumstances and restore your property back to its original condition.
We are professional, knowledgeable in fire, health and safety city codes and offer compassionate and discreet extreme cleaning services. Our Markham extreme cleaners are trained and certified in gross filth removal, bio-hazard decontamination and odor removal. We work closely with homeowners, landlords, property managers, social workers, mental health professionals and lawyers. We offer industry competitive pricing and an up-front quotation project scope outline.
Our extreme cleaning services include:
- Gross Filth cleanup
- Junk Removal
- Hoarding Cleaning
- Animal Hoarding cleanup
- Biological contaminant removal
- Bulk Laundry Services
- Disinfection
- Deodorization
- Odor Removal
- Pest Control Preparation
- Needle-Sharps Recovery

Our extreme cleaners are equipped with industrial steam cleaning machines that can clean and sanitize at the same time. We can remove filth, grease buildup, stains, pet waste, pest contamination and thoroughly clean carpets. We also employ “dry” vapor steam machines, the vapor is released in the interior of the property and disinfects all surfaces it comes in contact with.
Hoarding cases can result from physical and mental health barriers. Seniors or individuals with mental health challenges can accumulate belongings that make the cleaning and maintenance of the property difficult. Hoarding carries serious health risks, not only to the people occupying the space. Pest infestations can spread and e-coli and bacteria growth can be harmful to anyone entering the premises. Property owners and managers are responsible for the health and safety of their tenants and can be faced with fire and health code violations and heavy fines. We are there to assist you bring your property back to code. We are knowledgeable in city safety codes and can help you achieve the city requirements.
We are happy to answer any questions regarding our extreme and hoarding cleaning procedure. We offer an on-site consultation and will provide you with a quote and project scope. We have been serving Markham residents for 15 years, we carry WSIB and liability insurance. Give us a call today to inquire about our services: 905-882-3141